Monday, December 14, 2009

back from warr

war is over now I'm going back home, so I'm on my way back from war, yes I shout war is over we win yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. wife and kids I'm coming home and mom and dad,brothers. I can't wait to sleep in my mansion bed and spend time with my family with my wife and two kids and have fun in my mansion house. since I missed them so much I bought my kids a little surprise and my wife.when I arrived I knock and was surprised to be home my kids knew it was already me because they could not wait for me to come home from war.from those so many days not really only three days but it felt so much longer. I spend ed so much with them I took them everywhere they wanted to go even my wife of course.I felt so happy to come home to see my kids and wife and to be home with them. I'm going to get my job and make money be in business and by land and going to get a job being a merchant selling get alot of money selling old tvs, the war it smelt like dead people and dead animals,old dead body's laying there hanging from the tree with flies all over the war i felt like i was in the circus or something crazy going on every where i go with people injured and killed and people still standing all around near me it felt disaster and fun running yelling warrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and slicing and shooting all over in the war i felt anger ,mean and ready to fought in this war. I thought about buying land it would be great for me to do that to have more room even though i have a mansion house and kind of alot of land.after the war there will be alot of rebuilding for houses,grass and buildings when I make good money I'm going to replace the houses destroyed and grasses that were burned down and buy more land to replace those houses and grasses and buildings that were destroyed in the war that happened in peoples front yard. the land would maybe be won from the Indian war against the french,but not my land will be taken.when its the next time for 4th of July I will get my land and would not want to jump in that war again maybe I would though. the war was actually crazy it was all bunched up together and crowded in the war hundreds of people from each team were killed.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


when its time to say goodbye I would hug my mom and dad to love them forever and ever and love my son. then leave crying probably and I would probably sleep in a tent just kidding or actually I would if thats the only place to sleep and wait. To get in that war then when I arrive i would feel uncomfortable probably. then it would be time for me to get in that big war,so I get in the war and fight the britian and would win that war and defeat the britian. Before that when Iam on my way there i felt a little nervous and excitied to be in that war against britian ,so when I went off and my emotions were a little yah trippy yah thats what I thought of. In the beggining of the war I ran off and yelled warrrrrrrrrr warrrrr and my guys on my side were winning the war and only eighty six more guys to go. And before i felt upset about hearing stuff burned down,later when my son was called to the war i was upset and gave him an I love you and was huged for ever and to be loved. Then the last three days i spent in a tent and in sleeping bags all day and night,and the worst part was I had no tv and I love tv and so i just got it out of my head and just forgot about it, went it was now time to go in that long war and me in the middle of it yelling even though I was scared I thought I would not survive and still alot worried about my son alot for him to be in that war although Iam sad for him and and so I wondered what he be in right now or doing every second. yah but it would of went well to be spending three days and then later sent to the awlful war and that was what happened in the old days and it would be cool me in a hot air balloon,yes I could amagine being in that. It would be so fun.And so that was the end of my last three days and in war and my son being called to the war and spend the three days there and by the way i was in a middle of a forest where I sleep in that tent for three days and my son too. for three days I cant believe I waited for that.and end of that day. And yes I was with the boston tea party liking the boston tea party that was what i studied for when on their way on the big ship on their way.and that was about all I did on my three days. In boston all they had was alot of food there and alot of other different food in june 7,1776,delegates from virginia introduced resolution. other wise I did not tell you about what happened in the war in it we were shooting cannons and had a sling shot with balls of fire to destroy their fort and armor and them. But it still was a scary and nervous day.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I had no protection I traded slaves for guns and people started killing others and I was protected now. If I was put in a job I would act like I was sick and stop doing the job and break tools and set stuff on fire and be in that war with all others and run away from them and try to survive but I probably would of been killed by others even though I was protected. I was on a ship sent to America it was a almost being killed day I barely survived I was sot two times and got blown up by a garnade.and it was a very very ruff day.I acted like I was sick because it was just to ruff for me.and I would of been killed that war or in that stuff.when i got to America it look alful and smelled like dead fish or something and I was scared to be killed shortly in all that.and after was sent back.And barely survived.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dreammakers v.s. dreambreakers

I am a dream maker. I am friends with people who believe in life and who are great, not people who are dream breakers. I use my manners I am not rude alot or not at all. my friends are the same way sometimes get a little mad at there parents or get in a argument but not always it only happens a little. but I dont talk or hang out with people with who are rude and mean and get me into trouble only good great people who are dream makers. And I dont talk do people dont know or people that do drugs and alcohol. because I am a dream maker not a dream breaker who gets you into trouble or does drugs or alcohol and is just rude, mean. Thats all I am is a dream maker. And look to listen not to not look and just hear them. Thats what good and loving neighbors and friends do is to be a dream makers. I dont think I been in dream breakers but I only be in the dream makers with everybody who is a dream maker only. Not people who do drugs being rude and disrespectful and get you into trouble those are only for people who dont believe in life. Dream makers do believe in life they use manners and follow threw everything in the right direction.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

the world has changed people became enemies everything has been destroyed.and only one person could stop it all which was astro man he was metal he was quick and he could fly and how.he could do that by flames on his feet.the bad men were skunkins and water man he throws frozen water and skunkins use stink bombs make you fall asleep.astro man used flames and into a ball.he came the hero of the day.other people cheered on to save the world skunkins had many men over 200 of them.water man lived in water throwing frozen water.then moments later they teamed up against astro man and he needed more help so his friends calvin,asia,bobby,nate all teams with astro man and saved the whole world. skunkins send out 8 at a time then more everytime. water man barely came out the only time he came out was when he destroyed the world.then astro man made water man mad so he came out of water and threw frozen water so more skunkins and worst all of astro mans team swang each other by the arms and leted go and hit the water man. then they heard a noise and a crack a big robot man came out he was 40 feet tall he hit astro and astro flue away and astro man had never known he had machine guns in his arms he used them and made the big robot fall and was desroyed. water man threw a ball and astro blocked it and came back to water man boooooooom it blue up and he was down astro man had 19 skunkins lefted and his team fighted 5 at a time and all the skunkins were over and no more to go. and lefted and whent home with his powers the end.